- Current weather situation.
- Four different animated day/night live wallpapers for 4 seasons (cities):
- PARIS as spring
- DUBAI as summer
- NEW YORK as autumn
- MOSCOW as winter
- Season is automatically selected depending on your location and date.
- Accurate animation of sunrise and sunset.
- The current phase of the moon.
- Choice of two weather providers.
- 10 days forecast graph (meteogram) Widget
- 6 or 10-day forecast, depending on the weather provider (start with double tap on the wallpaper, see video).
- Feels like temperature.
- Wind speed and direction
- Humidity
- Quick access to 2nd city(triple tap wallpaper)
- Lots of settings
- Rain, Snow depends on the wind speed, etc...
- Optimization for CPU and Battery usage
- Portrait & Landscape mode
- Weather data in 22 languages (English, Italian, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Czech, Arabic, Thai, Turkish, Polish, Hungarian, Finnish, Slovak, Hindi, Japanese, Romanian, Portuguese, Korean, Bulgarian)
- Run True Weather, select Settings.
- Scroll to Theme Background
- Select city from list
- Scroll to bottom and press "Save" button
- support for full HD smartphones
Required Android O/S : 2.3+